Synopsis: A group of high-school students, who are infused with unique superpowers,harness their abilities in order to save the world.
Everybody says it is really fun movie. Power Rangers TV show was always fun and very goofy but it was enjoyable. This movie is more realistic and settled for a more gritty tone. It has good actors in it, more realistic action and a good feel of a descent superhero movie. Nice interactions between the characters and funny humor are the basis of this film's success. It is successful in achieving it's goal - being funny, entertaining, not super serious and visually great.
Everybody says it is really fun movie. Power Rangers TV show was always fun and very goofy but it was enjoyable. This movie is more realistic and settled for a more gritty tone. It has good actors in it, more realistic action and a good feel of a descent superhero movie. Nice interactions between the characters and funny humor are the basis of this film's success. It is successful in achieving it's goal - being funny, entertaining, not super serious and visually great.
Power Rangers is a big teenage flick, it does have a high school feel, the way people talk reminds of some sitcoms but it is still a good acting from that cast. The mythology was pretty good and well explained, the story is very simple - a cliched superhero plot and all in that manner. But this movie had a strategy of being fun and entertaining so the bad side of this film isn't noticeable that much.
Well done movie, but it had problems in pacing and the story. The biggest problem I had with this movie is that Power Rangers couldn't suit up for the whole movie and did it just at the end. After all, it felt like a Power Rangers TV show so with that the director did a good job. And visually this movie looks great - a good time in the movie theater.