A remake of a 1991 classic animated musical Beauty and the Beast opened in March. The story of the remake is completely same.
Synopsis: A young prince, imprisoned in the form of a beast, can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Belle, the only human girl to ever visit the castle since it was enchanted.
Belle played by Emma Watson sings and dances, colors are still bright and the atmosphere is magical. This movie has a good storytelling, the very first scene of the enchanting is original as some other things in this film that aren't same as in the 1991 version.

This whole movie is magical, it keeps up with the classic one and almost copies it. As for me I didn't remember the 1991 version very well so this movie was refreshing and new to me. But for many other people who are the biggest Disney's Beauty and the Beast fans this movie might seem boring and too similar. Anyway this movie takes the greatness of the 1991 animated film and translates it into live action with the same great storytelling and songs.
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