четверг, 6 октября 2016 г.

"Suicide Squad" extended cut to be released on Blu-ray and digitally.

As we all seen "Suicide Squad" suffers from the tone confusion and poorly made plot which was written in 3 weeks because of tough schedule. Because of reshoots, last minute changes and studio unwise intervention the movie itself didn't become that blockbuster we expected. I wonder if the extended cut would cardinally change the quality of the film in a good way.

Personaly, I don't think it will help Suicide squad as it helped theatrical cut of "Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice" to redeem the whole movie but seeing more of these villains interacting with each other and maybe seeing more sense in the story is totally worth it.

It is still not clear if it's going to be more Joker in this one or if they going to show us David Ayer's edition - more dark and violent. But we all know for sure that extended version of the movie will have more moments we all anticipated. Digitally it will be realised on November 15th and on Blu-ray on December 13th.

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