It is a spin-off to the films about Harry Potter, 'Fantastic Beasts, And Where To Find Them'. After a five year break we have the first movie in the Potter universe not about Harry Potter but based on another series of books, written by J. K. Rowling. The events for a new and exciting franchise take place in 1920th, over 70 years before the events of the first book about Harry Potter .
The story about kicked out from Hogwarts Newt Scamander(Eddie Redmayne) and his visit for a couple of days to New York. Newt was kicked out of Hogwarts for the unfortunate incident that occurred through the fault of one of the beasts, which Scamander keeps in his suitcase, which due to the magic able to fit anything. Despite the title, the movie is not focused only on the creatures in the Newt's suitcase. The attacks on muggles, who in US are called 'no-majs', are happening in the world by the evil wizard Grindelwald.
After the arrival of Newt Scamander in New York one of the beasts runs away from him . It was like a mole, with a beak of a duck that loves all that is precious and is constantly stealing these goods. It happens at the Bank where much gold and jewelry. This creature is crafty and clever, using his amazing abilities, able to sneak into strictly protected vault. Trying to catch the animal Newt meets no-maj Jacob Kowalski(Dan Fogler), who came to get a loan for a bakery. Kowalsky is a kind of a funny guy, it is a great thing to see a first muggle, who became one of the central characters in the movie in this franchise. A mess goes in the bank, Newt uses magic, which is not allowed in front of the muggle, and gets out from as it became a bank robbery. There is a law, which says that if a no-maj saw the magic craft, his memory about this must be wiped, so it would be against the law, if it wouldn't be done, as it happened, Kowalski knocked Newt out and run away. Now Newt Scamander is arrested by a mage-police, meanwhile Kowalski confused the case , which was identical with the case with the beasts. So he released some of them and Newt must to catch them.
Newt sometimes is an annoying person, he has little friends, but he is kind and simple person. He loves his creatures, he collects them to help them or study them to write a book, which will be very popular in the future.
In the other hand of the story we have Grindewald, who is actually played by Johnny Depp, but it is just a cameo. Grindewald appears on the newspapers or mentioned as a threat to society of magicians. The plot has three or four different ways of development, it is a big story, probably too big for this movie. It is going to be five of them in this franchise.
The movie has familiar Harry Potter feel, but it always reminds, that it is happening in New York and 70 years before. The society is build pretty well, it explains about how everything stands in this universe. Mystery behind some mysterious attacks in New York investigated by Percival Graves, played by Colin Farrell, who is one of the strongest wizards in the movie. And it is more to it, so the story develops after these mysterious attacks.
All the time the movie explores more and more about the universe and it is litteraly magical, it is super interesting to watch all familiar tricks and magic things, but from someone completely new. As I noticed, Newt Scamander is a powerful wizard, especially with help of some of his beasts. He is mostly unbeatable with them. You will understand what it means by it. Jakob Kowalski is a great as a no-maj. It surely the first time we see muggle to visit the ministry or have dinner with wizards. It is so nice to watch him reacting on all these magic stuff in the movie, he literally represents a little child, who saw Harry Potter movie for the first time as it was in real life. Joking or not, but Kowalski plays a huge emotional role in the movie. He is an important character the audience is supposed to care about. I kind of cared but I wanted the movie to focus on Scamander and the beasts more. So this was a little disappointment, because the movie is too unfocused. The story doesn't go anywhere, it stands where it is, until some another attack by mysterious forces. Later explained pretty well and created a new lore knowledge for this franchise.
The point of the movie is to show by this beast lover, that it is necessary to care and protect the beasts, because some of them are nearly extinct. Another interesting point is why wizards must hide and stay unnoticed. Both of those issues are very well established.
Optimally it is a good movie with a lot of great characters and new interesting facts and events and encounters. It was looking like Hobbit in The Lord of the Rings universe - smaller and less important, for now only. I certainly hoping that the following ones will develop the story and create a new important event is this universe.