четверг, 26 января 2017 г.

Silence. Movie review.

Silence. Latest Martin Scorsese film, which he wanted to make for years. He put a lot of passion and creativity to it, and it was noticeable. His effort and sense of greatness, he brings to his movies, were in this one too. That is a very hard to watch film, for sure. You will cry, definitely. I would call it, Scorsese's 'Schindler's List', but without great soundtrack, because it wasn't literally in the movie at all. This movie has it's title's meaning. It is very calm and silent. The tone is made the way it should - very dramatic and realistic, and cruel. 

The story is great, the purpose of the movie is to show, how the power of belief can influence people's will. They die, suffer, struggle for what they think is true. This movie has such a powerful story. It is about the Japanese Christians, who are persecuted by local inquisitors. And it is also about two padres, who travel to the country to save their mentor, Father Ferreira (Liam Neeson) from cruel fate of every Christian in Japan. Without giving anything away, this movie is very hard to watch. Events, which are shown, are brutal, very inhuman. The main issue is, of cause, the faith, and the struggle to keep it. 

All this movie is filled with pain and serene at the same time. Because only due to serene, in those different shots and takes, almost silent, this movie can bring so much drama. Torture, humiliating and loss are very common things, and the movie really makes us care for these people. That can be achieved only by wonderful directing. And there are so meanings for the word 'silence'. The depth of the thought and the idea is great and smart. 

This movie had some potential to be nominated for an Oscar, but seems like very little amount of people fully understood it. Very interesting performance by Andrew Garfield. He played one of the padres. After watching this film, I now can conclude, that his performance in this movie is so much more powerful and deep, than in Hacksaw Ridge, and I feel like it is so unfair, that he didn't receive any appreciation for 'Silence'. 

I think, that the only thing, that I disliked, was the third act, but not because it was bad or something. I just didn't like the pacing of it, I felt it was needlessly slow. There are couple of good performances: by Adam Driver, who plays the other padre, Liam Neeson ( Father Ferreira) and the Japanese actors were really good and believable. Everyone did a fantastic job in this film, especially Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver, who both lost insane amount of weight just for their roles. That is a true heroism and professionalism.  

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