пятница, 10 февраля 2017 г.

Batman script is completely rewritten from scratch.

According to Forbes:
How extensive the process will be — I’m hearing anything from “major rewrites” to “a completely new script,” including starting from scratch on the story if that’s what it takes — is unclear, not just to us but probably to those involved as well, since the new filmmaker might look at the story and script and decide there’s plenty to salvage that appeals to them. Once the director is in place, more will become clear, but for now Warner Bros. is suffering far more negative perceptions than they need to, simply because of the attempt to slow and control the spread of information.
Is that the last nail in the coffin of a new Batman project? Probably, that this new script is the one rewritten by Oscar-winning Argo and Justice League scribe Chris Terrio, so maybe possibly The Batman isn’t being thrown out entirely after all. I am not pessimistic to think, that Ben Affleck will not star as Batman anymore, but I think, that if this kind of losses would happen in the future, then maybe he will be even sadder and decide to leave everything behind. 
The report doesn't really explain if there is a problem at all. Everyone can decide for themselves, what to believe in. It is so misty to say for sure. Now it is getting worse, but who knows how it will end up being. 

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