пятница, 3 февраля 2017 г.

Super Bowl Transformers TV spot is much hotter than the previous trailer.

Recently a new TV spot, which will be shown during a huge cultural event of Super Bowl has dropped. It is the best way to promote a movie, so a lot of money spent to show those little TV spots, and marketing departments are really concerned that those little videos to be great. 

The last Transformers trailer wasn't great. It was disappointing for many people, who always loved Transformers trailers. And as for right now, the fifth part called "The Last Knight" (O boy, I hope that this title is just a coincidence) is not doing great, because everyone is aware that the quality of those movies is terrible and everyone knows what they get going on a movie like that. Plus the first trailer wasn't good enough to fool people again and convince them that this one is a turning point. I am glad that transformers franchise must make a real step forward in quality in order to keep the audience from floating away and keep them coming back on those dump popcorn action flicks with a budget of small country's GDP. 

So, that TV spot, that just dropped. It had much more depth, then the trailer for me. I felt a well build story through this little video. It just made me feel better then the trailer after watching it. And I am one of those people who never liked transformers trailers that much, so they never made me convinced to go to the movie theater on these movies. 

There is another story I read today, about Michael Bay talking on directing and keep coming back to this franchise. He explained it as he always does, that he just loves to do it and this kind of stuff. But, he also told, that a whole team of brilliant writers worked on the script this time, and that they had plenty of time, and worked together in order to connect all previous movies and bring depth to the mythology to the Transformers franchise. Also Bay confirmed, that he is done with Transformers, this time for real, and made a pretty interesting statement:
'It’s bittersweet for me. With every Transformers film, I’ve said it would be my last. I see the 120 million fans around the world who see these movies, the huge theme park lines to the ride and the amazing Make- A-Wish kids who visit my sets, and it somehow keeps drawing me back. I love doing these movies. This film was especially fun to shoot. But, this time might really be it. So I’m blowing this one out.There comes a moment in everyone’s life when we are called upon to make a difference.
In Transformers: The Last Knight, the hunted will become heroes. Heroes will become villains. Only one world will survive: theirs, or ours.'
To be fair, Bay always did his best to bring good action, but it never worked as a good movie for me.
If this movie suck, that will mean, that literally nothing can help this franchise to be good, and it always will stay this cheesy stupid thing it is now, until it will be rebooted into something brand new.

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