понедельник, 6 февраля 2017 г.

New X-men film "Supernova" is rumored to start its production in June.

It is rumored, that a new X-men movie is going to be 'X-men: Supernova' and it is going into production in June. Reported by My Entertainment World. And it already has a synopsis:
Gathered together by Professor Charles Xavier to protect a world that fears and hates them, the X-Men had fought many battles, been on adventures that spanned galaxies, grappled enemies of limitless might, but none of this could prepare them for the most shocking struggle they would ever face. One of their own members, Jean Grey, has gained power beyond all comprehension, and that power has corrupted her absolutely! Now they must decide if the life of the woman they cherish is worth the existence of the entire universe!
It is very hard to tell, if it is really going to be the next movie in the X-men franchise. After a divisive 'X-men: Apocalypse', no one can predict how Fox will decide to proceed with their property. It is obviously going to be more expensive to sigh James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender again, so I think that this movie definitely doesn't even has a script, of cause if they haven's already sighed James McAvoy to return as Professor X. It would be a proper continuation for Apocalypse, but I think money wise, this project is going to be delayed multiple times. 

One thing about X-men universe we know for sure - Deadpool 2 is happening no matter what. Who knew even a year ago, that this little Deadpool movie, supported by profits from X-men film franchise, now will support it vice versa, so Fox would keep making the main X-men storyline movies. I wrote it before and I will write it again: Fox owes Ryan Reynolds a lot for making Deadpool and saving X-men franchise (as it appeared to be).

Returning to 'X-men: Supernova', the story will focus on Dark Phoenix storyline, as they already cast and introduced new Jean Grey (Sophie Turner). On paper this movie seems like a great idea, but after what happened with Apocalypse, its bad reception by critics and a big part of the audience, this movie seems like not gonna happen in the next four or even five years. I want to be wrong, I would love to watch a new X-men movie right now, but it just doesn't seem realistic enough to say, that I believe, that 'X-men: Supernova' is starting production in June.

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