среда, 15 февраля 2017 г.

Laurence Fishburne Won't Appear as Perry White in Justice League.

Laurence Fishburne, who portrayed Perry White has previously appeared in Snyder’s Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet, but now he gave an interview to LA Times, in which he explained why he won't appear in Justice League: 
They asked me to come for a day, but I couldn’t work it out, schedule-wise. And really, what do you need the newspaperman in “Justice League” for? You want to see the Flash. You want to see Aquaman. You want to see Wonder Woman. You want to see the Lantern.
His statement also contains some geeky talk about Marvel and DC:
We’ve been waiting 35 years for these [characters] to show up on the screen. What were they doing over there? Marvel has been kicking their ass. This is the comic-book geek in me, who has a collection of comic books. I’ve been waiting to see these people on-screen forever.
 Despite the controversy, Fishburne doesn't blame Zack Snyder and OK with "Martha" scene:
Look, I love what Zack Snyder does. Jesse Eisenberg, this little nebbishy guy, as Lex Luthor? For me, that’s a genius move. And the whole thing with Martha Kent and Martha Wayne? I don’t know, man, I must be sentimental but that’s some heartwarming [stuff] to me. So I don’t get it.
After all, what can the person who has a contract with DC say about his last movie? He probably was politically incorrect and rough talking about Marvel and DC's competition, but overall he is right, that Marvel is more successful nowadays. DC has no plan, only relying on a strong fanbase and super popular characters, while Marvel built their universe introducing every new character one by one in their standalones. So the difference is clear, and don't be mad at Laurence Fishburne, he also said that Batman vs Superman is a genius movie. 

Actually, my theatrical impression of this movie is much worse than the impression I had, watching it at home in extended edition. After third viewing, now I think of this movie as of good and solid instead of garbage. 

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