понедельник, 6 февраля 2017 г.

Super Bowl TV spots (Pirates of the Caribbean; Baywatch; The Fate of the Furious; Ghost in the Shell, John Wick:Chapter 2).

During the Super Bowl there are always a lot of little TV spots, making us, movie fans and usual movie goers excited about those movies. As it is a tradition, now we get a lot of great ones in one day, it is hard to catch everything what is coming out.

The firs one which I saw was a TV spot for 'Guardians of the Galaxy' and I think, that it is the best TV spot ever. It was brilliant.

The second one I checked out was for 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell No Tales'. Now, everyone think, that all you need to make a fantastic trailer is to put Johnny Cash song in it and cut it well. And it is true, the trailer is awesome. And I bought it. I thought it was fantastic and epic in a way, so there is a room for excitement. For many people it is a Transformers situation, when trailers are great, but movies - not so much, but I am confident enough, that this Pirates of the Caribbean will be a solid film. I just that guy, who grew up on these movies, in 2000's and that was my childhood, so if you dislike this franchise, then think of it as my guilty pleasure. The forth one was not so good though. 

The movie I am not very much into is Baywatch. It comes in May, and it is a reboot of the known thing, so I am not surprised, that somebody is really waiting for it. Of cause it has Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in it, and Zac Efron fits his role, but all the commercials were sloppy, trailers and jokes - cliched. So even this TV spot didn't entertain me. I will watch it of cause, just for Dwayne Johnson, but trailers still were just OK to bring more people to the theaters. 

Super Bowl commercial for John Wick was nice, the movie is already shown to the critics, and gets reviews just as good as the first chapter had, so on this TV spot we saw just the same thing, as we saw in the trailers. And I loved how they played on the Valentines Day, just like Deadpool did last year. I think the marketing campaign fro this movie doesn't give anything away, releasing the same shots from the previous trailers, and not revealing too much, considering that it revealed already enough. I am still very excited about this movie, I will be the first who will watch it.

The Fate of the Furious TV spot was insane, just like the first trailer. It showed exactly the same storyline, as the full trailer, and it still pointing on Dom going rogue. I don't know how they are going to explain this, but I am afraid that they are just out of good ideas, and now they are pulling some bad script of just to make money. By the way, the cast of this movie is incredible: Charlize Theron, Kurt Russel, Jason Statham and the original cast. But the title is just too bad, it is cheesy. 

Ghost in the Shell TV spot. From what we see from this movie - it is going to be ridiculously weird, but is it going to be bad or good weird movie. It definitely going to be so different from what we already seen, and it seems like this movie will be very successful at the box office, so I wouldn't count it off, even if you think, that this is very strange thing, that is going on in that movie. It has Scarlett Johansson in it - it will make a lot of money, and it comes out in March as well, so it makes this year's March one of the most rich month, just like the last year.

Overall, I think this portion of TV spots/trailers was great, everything was pretty awesome. 

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